focus on the research and development, design, manufacturing, and sales of smart controllers, providing customers with comprehensive and professional one-stop product solutions.
with over 10 years of top-tier product design and development experience, shuangyuan technology thoroughly understands the diverse customer needs and provides the most thoughtful and reliable products to every customer.
adhere to the philosophy of truth-seeking and innovation, collaborate with universities on cutting-edge technologies.
over 10 years of experience in researching and developing machine vision inspection and inline areal density inspection and control technologies.
specialized field, in-depth r&d, two machine vision r&d departments, two areal density r&d laboratories
targeted r&d to meet the specific requirements of different customers
meet customer requirements, foster full employee involvement, commit to continuous improvement, and pursue top-tier quality standards
2023年6月8日,浙江双元科技股份有限公司股票正式在上海证券交易所科创板挂牌上市,成为在线测控第一股。公司股票简称“双元科技”,股票代码688623。 上城区政府重要领导与公司董事长、总经理郑建先生...
活动时间:2022.05.13 活动地点:浙江 杭州 聚信心、共奋进、向未来 在今天举行的上城区都市经济高质量发展暨助企惠企“六个一”行动推进大会上,浙江双元科技股份有限公司作为浙江省专精特新中小企业...
business hours:monday-friday 8:30am–5:00pm